By Syd Shaw

I should have cut you off
at the source thick and indulgent,
stumbling drunk home, our home
no place for me among the growlers
me all teeth and no tongue,
hard enamel and bleeding gums,
words impotent against the rise
of your tides I ride
your anger grind against it
until I bleed you pull my hair and mean it
my flesh is too soft too inviting
I would swallow with the fury of Charybdis
hold you with the hunger of a parasite
close down with chipped teeth
and never let go

Syd Shaw writes about love, witchcraft, and body horror. She is Assistant Poetry Editor and Workshop Coordinator at Passengers Journal. She has a degree in creative writing from Northwestern University. Syd’s previous publications include The Winnow, Cathexis Northwest, Ember Chasm, Sad Girls Club, Coffin Bell Journal, Waxing & Waning, and Eclectica Magazine, among others. Her work can be found at or on Twitter @sidlantro