By Eavonka Ettinger and Jerome Berglund

tearing the heads off
in the icehouse
a mermaid weeps
frozen man
riding a dead horse
the long night
they roll away stone
from the darkness
a hissing
peace on earth
the last battle
taking what they choose
roasting on open fire

Eavonka Ettinger arrived at haiku after a journey through theatre, film, spoken word poetry, and teaching. She's a Touchstone Award nominee and Golden Haiku 2023 selectee. A few places her work has appeared are Poetry Pea, Presence, Sonic Boom, Rattle, seashores, Prune Juice, Wales Haiku, and Cold Moon Journal. She lives in Long Beach, CA with her husband and cat.

Jerome Berglund has worked as everything from dishwasher to paralegal, night watchman to assembler of heart valves. Many haiku, haiga and haibun he’s written have been exhibited or are forthcoming online and in print, most recently in Bottle Rockets, Frogpond, and Modern Haiku. His first full-length collections of poetry Bathtub Poems and Funny Pages were just released by Setu and Meat For Tea press, and a mixed media chapbook showcasing his fine art photography is available now from Yavanika.